Prayer Launchout

Empowering Prayer & Spiritual Reflections

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Home » Abide


Abide in me,  

And I in you 

John 15:4 





Please understand 

I do not write today 

Having this ‘way of living’ 



I speak to us  

Out of my heart’s sincere desire! 


Strong’s: to stay 

(In a given place, state, relation or expectancy) 

Webster’s: to stand fast; remain; go on being 

To stay; reside (in or at) 

He that dwelleth  

In the secret place  

Of the most High 

Shall abide  

Under the shadow  

Of the Almighty.  

{abide: Heb. lodge} 

Psalm 91:1 


Several days ago,  

I realized 

Something had been amiss 

For about three days. 

Prayer was made. 

Repentance took place. 


Come unto me,  

All ye that labour  

And are heavy laden,  

And I will give you rest.  

Take my yoke upon you,  

And learn of me;  

For I am meek and lowly in heart:  

And ye shall find rest unto your souls.  

For my yoke is easy,  

And my burden is light 

Matthew 11:28-30 


That was it. 

Where was my Rest? 

I began to inquire of the Lord. 

ABIDE, my child😊 

I was living for Jesus 

But not in Jesus. 

I had perhaps let the cares of life 

Cause me to step  

Out from His Shadow! 

Humble yourselves  

Therefore under the mighty hand of God,  

That he may exalt you in due time:  

Casting all your care upon him;  

For he careth for you 

I Peter 5:6-7 

My Lord has been speaking to me 

Of pride… 

And true humility! 

That is meat for another essay. 


When we do not 


If I try to carry the load myself 

That is pride☹ 

To truly 


I must cast ALL my cares on HIM. 

We do not “share” our cares. 

I am to “give” ALL my cares… 

Let Go!!! 


The cares of life stand  

Between He and I. 

I leave The Shadow 

To deal with what 

I do not give to Jesus. 

Pride says 

“I can do this myself.” 

Humility says 

“I NEED Jesus!” 

We want/need to 

In Jesus 


In us. 

When we read Psalm 91 

We come to know many promises 

Deliverance, Protection, Angelic Presence, etc 

But only if we 

STAY! In Jesus. 

That they should seek the Lord, 

If haply they might feel after him,  

And find him,  

Though he be not far from every one of us:  

For in him we live,  

And move, and have our being; 

Acts 17:27-28a 

Are we living…moving…have our ‘being’ 

In Jesus? 

All the time?! 

Let me say 

Everyone that sits on a pew 

May NOT  

Each one must seek His Face 

For themselves. 

Many are content 

As we might say 

To sit in the Comfort Zone 

Live in mediocrity  

First takes work 



His Word 

Then comes 





To “maintain” 

Your Place 

In which you  

To be transparent 

I have found a Place 

BUT I am absolutely sure!!! 

There is a richer, deeper 

More Intimate 

Place for me to seek out 

Are we as close to Jesus as we can possibly be? 

Not me. 

I got Somewhere to go in Him😊 

He that saith  

He abideth in him  

Ought himself also so to walk,  

even as he walked  

I John 2:6 

Do I Walk as Jesus did? 

Am I walking with Jesus daily? 

I am the vine,  

Ye are the branches:  

He that abideth in me,  

And I in him,  

The same bringeth forth much fruit:  

For without me ye can do nothing  

John 15:5 

How close do we live to the Vine? 

John the Baptist said 

I must decrease that He may increase. 

Are we willing to decrease to “nothing”? 

That HE may be EVERYTHING?!? 

When you get There… 

Stay! Lodge! Remain! 

Chaos… Abide 

Busyness… Abide 

Lonely… Abide 

When the arrows fly… Abide 

Many spirits assail… Abide 

In sickness and in health… Abide 

The moments of Job… 

The weariness of Moses… 

Running for your life as David from Saul…  

In Daniel’s lions’ den…  

Trials and tribulations as Paul…  

My prayer for each reader: 

That you will seek out 

Your Secret Place 

As close to the Vine 

As you can get 

In which 

He ABIDES in you 

And you ABIDE in Him 

ALL the TIME!!! 

Never coming out from The Shadow of the Almighty! 

In Jesus’ Name! 


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