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Mothers of Israel

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Mothers of Israel

Hear! Hear!

Women. Men.

Married. Single.

Young. Old.

Minister. Saint.

The inhabitants of the villages ceased,

They ceased in Israel,

Until that I Deborah arose,

That I arose a mother in Israel

Judges 5:7

When I was a child

I had no idea,

Motherhood would become😉

Near and dear to my heart!

The more mature I became…

The greater my love for children grew.

This thought has proved itself spiritually as well.

As I mature in Christ,

Greater is my Love for His Children😊

In the last 19 years,

Many have come to call me,

“Mom…MaMa B…”

Along with my natural children and grands

Calling me, Mom and MiMi.

Sometimes I am even introduced as, “MaMa B” 😉

I Love being a mother in the natural.

But I am also lovingly ordained in The Kingdom!

Mothers of Israel

A natural birth

Often includes…

A doctor, midwife, nurse…

And of course, the father.

But let us take note.

It is the mother that travails!!!

For as soon as Zion travailed,

She brought forth her children

Isaiah 66:8b


Engage in painful or laborious effort.

Let the priests,

The ministers of the LORD,

Weep between the porch and the altar,…

Joel 2:17

We want revival.

There is understanding.

Spiritual babies need to be born.

BUT we need…

Mothers of Israel

Women, yes.

Men, too.

Young people.

Even children.


Laboring in spirit.

Letting the Burden consume us.

In the natural…

The doctor might come in intervals.

The nurse is tending to other things.

But the mother must see to the birth…

ALL the way through the delivery.

Spiritual Babies have needs, too.

Altar workers with love and wisdom.

Someone to preach the Word.

Saints to love on them.

Yet. No baby is born without a mother.

A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow,

Because her hour is come:

But as soon as she is delivered of the child,

She remembereth no more the anguish,

For joy that a man is born into the world

John 16:21

Mothers of Israel

Prayer warriors and intercessors.

Crying aloud!

In their prayer closet.

Sometimes even in the church service.


An ache.

A Grip of the heart, spirit, and body.

Often the stomach will pain.

During and after.

Just as a natural mother.

A Labor of Love!

Though it is difficult.

In time mothers want to birth again…

And again…

Both naturally and spiritually.

Even when a natural mother cannot physically birth,

Her heart longs for a baby to hold and love.

Mothers of Israel

The mother wants to nurture, care, and protect.

Come at her “cubs” and you are likely to meet…

MaMa Bear! Grrr!!!

She will drop everything.

She will stand in the gap.

Coming between her child and danger!

At any cost!

Even her own life!

The spirit of motherhood is real.

Natural. Spiritual.

My kids and grands know I am willing to defend!

And the demonic forces understand.

I will Battle the forces of darkness,

Whether the “child” is my natural “baby”,

Or my spiritual “baby”.

Mothers of Israel

Our opening text,

Speaks of Deborah.

She did not wait.

Her role of judge and prophetess is well known.

But she referenced herself as…

A mother of Israel.

There was an enemy to contend with.

She had a people she knew was hers to nurture.

Deborah did not wait for someone else to do the work.

Jael was on her side.

Willing to go to battle with her.

Are you willing to be a Deborah?

Or perhaps you will be Jael coming along side?

The Kingdom needs each of us!

Married. Single.

Woman. Man.

Ministry. Saint.



Get in the prayer closet!

Stand in the Gap!

I understand.

We can be the ‘weird’ ones.

There we are in church.

The ache is terrible.

We lay in the pew.

Crawl on the floor.

Others are thinking.

What?! IS she/he doing?

We are …

Mothers of Israel

Birthing a child!


Hearing Daddy say…


Spiritual contractions are present.


Let me ask this.

What does our Delivery Room,

Look like? Sound like?

Is the Atmosphere ready for Babies?!

Has the “village” life ceased?!

The Mothers are likely going to need to pray and fast long term.

We need to nurture them.

While Daddy brings growth and development.

Uphold as they learn to walk and talk.

Live in the Spirit.

And know this.

Mothers of Israel

Prayer Closets.

The way of travail.

Prayer warriors.


When true revival hits.

We will have babies and children at every area of growth.

There is no time to slack.

Please! Consider to be😊

Mothers of Israel

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