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A True Mother

Praying hands

A True Mother

Then the king answered and said,

Give her the living child,

And in no wise slay it:

She is the mother thereof

I Kings 3:27

“He will never come back.”

Those words were spoken to me.

“Don’t ever say those words again!”

Was this mother’s reply.

Because God has called me to be…

A True Mother

Not only biologically

But also, spiritually.

As we read this Bible account

It might be said,

King Solomon’s wisdom

Saved the life of a child.

The Reality is the babe lived.

Because he had

A True Mother

Then said the king,

The one saith,

This is my son that liveth,

And thy son is the dead:

And the other saith, Nay;

But thy son is the dead,

And my son is the living.

And the king said,

Bring me a sword.

And they brought a sword before the king.

And the king said,

Divide the living child in two,

And give half to the one,

And half to the other

I Kings 3:23-25

A True Mother

Most of us have read the news.

A woman mentally ill,

Overwhelmed with life,

Or some other such thing.

Kills her child.

We are devastated!

Rightly so!

Some are angry with the “mother”.

Others wonder at her own brokenness.

In today’s biblical account

The death was an accident.

Which also happens in everyday life.

But her response was wrong.

What is our response today?

In a recent post, we spoke of

Mothers of Israel.

When we birth a “child”

Into the Kingdom

We are protective!

As we would be

When we give birth in the natural.

If ever the Life is weighed in the Balance,

The mother comes before the King.

A True Mother

She/He will come to the forefront.

She will do whatever she can to protect and defend.

If the enemy should say

‘I will draw my sword for the kill.’

The King will seek out the child’s mother.

The original “mother”

Or another “mother”

Until He finds

A True Mother

Who will pray and fast.

Weep and mourn.

Believe and travail.

Until the Life of the child is Restored.

Whether that be hours, days, months, or even years.

Then spake the woman

Whose the living child was unto the king,

For her bowels yearned upon her son,

And she said, O my lord, give her the living child,

And in no wise slay it.

But the other said,

Let it be neither mine nor thine,

But divide it

I Kings 3:26

A True Mother

Will Yearn! Ache! Mourn!

She/He will come to the place

Where she says

Whatever It takes Lord!

Whatever It takes!

Because she truly wants the child of God to Live!

To Flourish!

To be all he/she can be in His Kingdom!

A True Mother

As an intercessor

And a mother of Israel

I am passionate about every soul!

Spoken things like…

She has been lukewarm for years.

She will never reach her Kingdom potential.


He has come back to God,

Gone out into the world,

And come back…

So many times!

He is never going to amount to anything in God.

How about these?

They have messed up so many times.

 How will they ever get it right?

The Call of God gets pushed aside time and again.

That individual has been out of the Church too long.

Oh yowzah!

I get quite frustrated!

I have been known to snap at others.

My “righteous indignation” is likely to flare 😉


Think again.

NOTHING is impossible with God!

Everyone needs a godly influence in their life!

All of us need someone to believe in us!

Do NOT kill the baby!

If you have erred to hurt one of His,

Pray, repent, and ask forgiveness.

Believe in them!

Even when hope seems lost.

Trust the King!

Allow King Jesus to Work.

WHO is?

A True Mother

Are you willing to be?

A True Mother

I plead with you!

Go to your closet!

Let your heart yearn!

For the weak child.

The prodigal son.

A babe hanging in the Balance.

A True Mother

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