Prayer Launchout

Empowering Prayer & Spiritual Reflections

a group of buildings in a desert
Home » Spare Not

Spare Not

a group of buildings in a desert

Spare Not

Enlarge the place of thy tent,

And let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations:

Spare not,

Lengthen thy cords,

And strengthen thy stakes;

Isaiah 54:2

Spare Not

Hold NOTHING back!





Your own (spiritual) habitation.

For your sake…

Kingdom Purpose…

And the restoration of all souls.

Spare Not


Sing, O barren,

Thou that didst not bear;

Break forth into singing,

And cry aloud,

Thou that didst not travail with child:

For more are the children of the desolate

Than the children of the married wife,

Saith the LORD

Isaiah 54:1

Spare Not

Cry Aloud!



For we shall!

Bring Forth!

Children for His Kingdom!


The sinner!


For the prodigals!

Spare Not

Cry aloud,

Spare not,

Lift up thy voice like a trumpet,

And shew my people their transgression,

And the house of Jacob their sins

Isaiah 58:1

Spare Not

Cry Aloud!

Lift thy voice!

That His people

Will turn from their sins.

Seek His Face.

Align thyself.

Spare Not

Are we willing?

To pray at midnight!

Push away from the table!

Get OUT of our comfort zone!

Will we?

Stay at the altar!

Go beyond the norm!

Believe the ‘impossible’!

Can we?

Linger in the Delivery Room!

Travail until Birth!

Welcome new Babies!

Spare Not

Are we?

Consumed with ourselves.

Distracted by worldliness.

Caught up with man’s agenda.

Does our effort?

Feed the flesh.

Waste precious Time.

Fulfill earthly goals/agendas.

Is my prayer?

Me and mine.

Or Kingdom Minded.

Do I look for?

My will be done.

Or Thine.

Spare Not

How are we going to run with the horsemen?

If we cannot walk with the footmen?

(Jeremiah 12:5)

We need to be sure-footed.


You got to know in Whom you have believed.


I got to Dress for the Battle.


Ready to get in the saddle.


Be not weary in well doing!

Faint not, my friends!

(Galatians 6:9; II Thessalonians 3:13)

Spare Not

Fly with the Eagles!

(Isaiah 40:31)

Take your Ship to the Deep!

(Psalm 107:23)

Climb the Highest Mountain!

(Isaiah 40:9)

Desire His Weight of Glory!

(II Corinthians 4:16-18)

Wrestle with the Angel of the Lord!

(Genesis 32; Hosea 12:2-6)

Spare Not

Lengthen thy cords

For your own Walk with God!

But also

For the souls counting on you!

Strengthen thy stakes

For the storm you are in

And the great storms to come.

Spare Not

For thy Maker is thine husband;

The LORD of hosts is his name;

And thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel;

The God of the whole earth shall he be called

Isaiah 54:5

Be Intimate with Jesus

He is Your Husband.

Know His Heart

Pray His Prayers.

Embrace the Lord’s Heart

For He is Your Husband


The Church and The Almighty

Will birth Kingdom Babies

Restore prodigals

Encourage the brethren.

Spare Not

Lose your life!

Take up your cross!

Deny yourself!

Follow Jesus!

Be His disciple!

(Matthew 10:37-39; Mark 8:34-38; Luke 9:23-26)

God is a Consuming Fire!

Be Consumed with Jesus!

God is Love!

Function in His Perfect Love!

We need to be ALL we can be in Jesus

Not only for ourselves

But for others.

Yet mostly

For the Lover of our Souls!

The King of Kings!

Our Beloved!

He is Worthy!!!

Spare Not

silhouette of man in front of bonfire

One response to “Spare Not”

  1. Faith Avatar

    Thank you for this weeks post

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