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And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper,

As he sat at meat,

There came a woman

Having an alabaster box

Ointment of spikenard

Very precious;

And she brake the box,

And poured it on his head

Mark 14:3


Crush completely



Here came Mary.

With her fragrance of spikenard.

Sealed in its box.

She did not hand the perfume to Jesus

Like a sweet-smelling fragrance.

Saying “Here is my gift.”


She broke! The box!

Mary busted the box open!

Pouring it upon Jesus.

A sweet-smelling presence.

ALL the occupants in the room

Were completely enveloped

With its strong scent!

Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard,

Very costly,

And anointed the feet of Jesus,

And wiped his feet with her hair:

And the house was filled

With the odour of the ointment

John 12:3


YOU are His Box!

Filled with His Fragrance!

The box is sealed.

Now and again

You may share

“A ‘dab’ will do ya!”

To those you are in contact with.


Here a little.

There a little.

Some at the grocery store.

A drop or two at work.

Your drop with a sister’s drop

Upon someone in need at church.

This is YOUR perfume, you might say.

A Sprinkle is more than enough.

Controlling where it goes

Who gets to enjoy

Because after all…

When you are in need

There must be enough

Fragrance in the Box

For you!


Verily, verily, I say unto you,

Except a corn of wheat

Fall into the ground and die,

It abideth alone:

But if it die,

It bringeth forth much fruit

John 12:24

Here the corn of wheat

Lies in the ground.

The life of that wheat

Is hidden inside the ‘seed’.

If that ‘seed’ does not brake open

No fruit will come forth.


The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit:

A broken and a contrite heart, O God,

Thou wilt not despise

Psalm 51:17

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart;

And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit

Psalm 34:18


Burst in pieces

Emotionally shattered

Deeply hurt



There is a Process of Brokenness

That the Lord has for each of us.

The Process may be different.

The intensity may burn more/less deeply

For one of us than another.

But, nonetheless.

The Lord Jesus

Has for each of us

A unique

Process of Brokenness!

But it is up to us to yield to it.

We must embrace His Process

 To gain All the potential

Or fruit

That is within our ‘seed’.


You are His Box

Filled with His Fragrance.

Why keep it selfishly?

Yield to His Process.

Submit yourself unto God.

Let me Challenge you, my friend.

Will you ASK? Jesus

For the Process of Brokenness

To FULLY transpire in your life?

No doubt

We have all gone through

At least a part.

But did we whine

Until God put the brakes on?

Did we back off

From our consecration

Until He said, “Oh dear, they are not ready!”

Or worse…

They are not willing!

Did I put up barriers to slow the progress?

What happen to Trusting amid Vulnerability?

Or perhaps…

All my prayers have been “Bless me, Lord!”


Think of it like this.

When Mary BROKE her box

That fragrance was all over her hands!

Probably on her dress and the floor😊

Then she poured it all out on Jesus😉

The atmosphere was totally engulfed with the spikenard scent!!!

I want the box BROKE completely!

Pour it out Jesus!

Let the Fragrance change the atmosphere

Everywhere You and I go!


In every area that is BROKEN

Within our lives

We can then

Minister unto others.

Endured much sickness?

Now the Perfume of our box

Can touch those who are sick.

Relationships gone sour?

Now we can minister to those who deal with wounds.


Within the ‘seed’

Is fruit to serve.

Fruit to touch the lost.

Fruit to bind up the broken hearted.

But first…

That ‘seed’, or corn of wheat

Must bust open within the soil.


Why do we remember Job?

For the suffering?

The Bible records his story.

Not only for the suffering

But for the integrity he maintained.

He was our example.

Verily I say unto you,

Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached

Throughout the whole world,

This also that she hath done

Shall be spoken of for a memorial of her

Mark 14:9


Mary is remembered

Because she BROKE the box

For Jesus and His Kingdom!


My friends.

Let us consider this…

Am I willing to yield to

His Process of Brokenness

In every area of my life?

Without whine or complaint?

Trusting Him completely.

That the Fragrance

May be poured out upon Jesus

Splashed on everyone I meet

And change the Atmosphere

As His Perfume fills the air

Of all the world!


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