Prayer Launchout

Empowering Prayer & Spiritual Reflections

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Arrows of Prayer

Arrows of Prayer

And Elisha said unto him,

Take bow and arrows.

And he took unto him bow and arrows.

And he said to the king of Israel,

Put thine hand upon the bow.

And he put his hand upon it:

And Elisha put his hands upon the king’s hands.

And he said, Open the window eastward.

And he opened it.

Then Elisha said, Shoot.

And he shot.

And he said,

The arrow of the LORD’S deliverance,

And the arrow of deliverance…

II Kings 13:15-17

man holding composite bow

Arrows of Prayer

Take an Arrow of Prayer

Out of your spiritual quiver.

Notch your arrow

In the bow of

Faith and Trust.

Fix your eyes

On the Lord

From whence cometh our Help.

In the Strength of the Lord

Pull back the notched

Arrow of Prayer



There is our Deliverance!!!

Deliverance from sin!

Deliverance from satan!

Deliverance for the sinner!

Deliverance for the prodigals!

Shoot Arrows for the nations.

Shoot for those bound and depressed.

Shoot for the captives to be set free.

Arrows of Prayer

And he said, Take the arrows.

And he took them.

And he said unto the king of Israel,

Smite upon the ground.

And he smote thrice, and stayed.

And the man of God was wroth with him, and said,

Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times;

Then hadst thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed it:

Whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but thrice

II Kings 13:18-19

Now take those

Arrows of Prayer


With Passion!

Upon the Prayer Closet floor!

Arrows of Prayer

When their heart is cold

Aim!!! Fire!!!


Don’t Stop!!!

If all seems lost

Pray without ceasing!

The burden is heavy


It doesn’t lift.

Smote again!

Pray at morning, noon and night.

Rise at midnight.

Pray and walk.

Drive and pray





Let anguish burn!!!

Hot tears flow!

Set those Arrows of Prayer

On Fire with the Holy Ghost!!!

Hit the Target

With Faith and Trust!

From the Prayer Closet

To The Throne Room!

Deliverance is at hand!

Don’t quit now!

Little Prayer

Little Power.

Much Prayer

Much Power.

Or are we like King Joash?

Do we quit?

Arrows of Prayer

Is the Lord angered?

With our unbelief?

Because we see prayer as a waste of time?

Impatient humans, that we can be.

We are busy with our work.

What about prayer?

Revival is birthed in prayer.

Every Great Awakening came in prayer.

More prayer seem to happen

When life was hard.


Aim! Fire!


Arrows of Prayer

Pray at work.

While changing the baby.

During the chores.

In the store.

Pray for missionaries.



BUT Pray!!!



Where two or three are gathered together in His Name.


Let all the people


All the world is depending on us!


The Almighty is depending on us!

Do you know that?

The Lord will not Fulfill the Prophetic Promises

Without you and I

We must!

Shoot and Smote!

Arrows of Prayer

I will rise early

While the dew is still on the rose bud.

I will stay up late

When the stars twinkle in the dark sky.

I will continue

When others are done.

My few minutes

Will become an hour.

My hour

Will become two.

Once a day

Will turn to two or three times a day.

But I will pray!

Can you say those words with me?

Every man, woman, and child

Is meant to pray.

C’mon mom and dad

Be the example to the next generation.

Pray before you preach or teach.

Call on God while He may be found.

Let the singers seek His Face

Before they sing His Praise.

Arrows of Prayer

Take from the quiver

Notch the Arrow in Faith

Light with the Flame of the Holy Ghost

Aim as you look into His Face

Fire! Towards the Throne Room of the Almighty

All in the Powerful Name of Jesus!

For His Honor and Glory!!!

Deliverance will come!

Prophetic Promises will take place!

A great influx of souls!

Dead raised.

Minds set free.

Bodies healed.

Emotions made whole.

Marriages strengthened.

Truth Reigns!!!

But first…

Notch! Aim! Fire!


Arrows of Prayer

2 responses to “Arrows of Prayer”

  1. Faith Avatar

    Thank you, what beautiful and encouraging words. Not only words but blessed and God inspired.

  2. Dolores Avatar

    This was so powerful. What a deep insight. I was picturing my prayers on arrows.. with Holy Ghost fire aimed toward the throne of God. Once again thank you for sharing .. and inspiring and causing us to answer the call to a deeper prayer life!

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