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Choose Me

Psalm 65:4

Choose Me


Blessed is the man whom thou choosest,

Whisper unto me

At the midnight hour.

Speak my name

With the rising of the sun.

Call me

In the noon day.

Tap my shoulder

When evening comes.

Sit with me

While others sleep.

Whenever You Desire…

Choose Me

Blessed is the man whom thou choosest,

And causest to approach unto thee,

May You never go it alone.

Let me Walk with You, Jesus. (Genesis 5:22)

Share Your Heart over coffee.

Sit quietly at tea and let me know Your Mind.

May I be a Friend of God. (James 2:23)

Choose Me

Blessed is the man whom thou choosest,

And causest to approach unto thee,

That he may dwell in thy courts:

Let me enter Your Throne Room.

Extend The Septer, my King.

That I may experience the Weight of Your Glory!

We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house,

Even of thy holy temple

Psalm 65:4

You are More than Enough.

Beckon me beyond the Veil.

Take me to Your Secret Place!

Where the Precious Aroma of Your Incense

Fills the Air.

You are Sweeter than Honey in the Honeycomb!

I am more than Satisfied!

Choose Me

But know that


Hath set apart him

That is godly for himself:

Psalm 4:3a

Set me apart!

Cleanse me completely.

Purify my heart, mind, soul, and spirit.

Sanctify me wholly!

My righteousness is as filthy rags.

May the Potter make the clay.

Worthy to be in Thy Holy Presence.

Set me apart for You, Lord.

There is no good thing in me

Save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

So do the needful Work!

Purify this gold.

Remove the dross from this silver.

(Then) the LORD will hear when I call unto him

Psalm 4:3b

I, too, will call, Lord.

I will share my deepest secrets.

And You will hear my cry!

Choose Me

To see Your Glory!

Like Moses.

Be a faithful friend.

Like Abraham.

Go to Battle with Victory!

As did Joshua, Gideon, and Deborah.

Be a woman after God’s own Heart!

So was David.

Daily faithful!

Even in persecution (Daniel).

Be Peter😉

Walk on water (Oh Ya!)

Full of faith and trust!

As John, the beloved

Laid his head on Jesus’ breast.

Oh yes! Jesus loves me.

He is there for me.

Lord, You are Faithful.

But, I too, want to be faithful…

Unto Thee.

That You will…

Choose Me

Trusting You.

Being trustworthy.

Relying on the Faithfulness of the Almighty.

Faithful in return.

Resting FULLY in Your Care.

Empty of self.

That You may fill me up!

Utterly surrendered.

Wholly obedient.

Yielding to the Process.

Which brings me to the place

Where You can…

Choose Me

And I sought for a man among them,

That should make up the hedge,

And stand in the gap

Before me for the land,

That I should not destroy it:

but I found none

Ezekiel 22:30         

Let it not be said,

You could find none☹

But when You say,

I need someone to stand in the gap,

May my life’s response

Be Yes! Lord! Yes!

You can…

Choose Me

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,

Whom shall I send,

And who will go for us?

Then said I,

Here am I;

Send me

Isaiah 6:8

As another individual said…

Let us say

“Here am I!”

Before He asks.

The psalmist knew not

When You would call.

He didn’t have a clue

Why You would beckon.

But his plea said it all!

I have committed myself to prayer!

Help me!

Do it! Live it!

At Thy WILL!!!

Choose Me

It can never be in my own strength.

Nor is it meant to be about personal gain.

I cannot decide based on my calendar.

God Knows All Things!

He does All Things Well!

But as much as I know how…

As willing as a human can be…

I plead, Lord.

Choose Me

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