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Mark Me

silhouette of man in front of bonfire

Mark Me

And the LORD said unto him,

Go through the midst of the city,

Through the midst of Jerusalem,

And set a mark upon the foreheads of the men

That sigh and that cry

For all the abominations

That be done in the midst thereof

Ezekiel 9:4

Mark Me

Oh Lord! Help us!

That we will…

Sigh and Cry!

Mark Me

Let the priests,

The ministers of the LORD,

Weep between the porch and the altar,

And let them say,

Spare thy people, O LORD,

And give not thine heritage to reproach,

That the heathen should rule over them:

Wherefore should they say among the people,

Where is their God?

Joel 2:17

Oh! That we would weep!


You will spare the people!

And the lost world around

They will know YOU are the One True God!

Who Rules and Reigns!

Your Kingdom is Supreme!

Mark Me

If my people,

Which are called by my name,

Shall humble themselves,

And pray,

And seek my face,

And turn from their wicked ways;

Then will I hear from heaven,

And will forgive their sin,

And will heal their land

II Chronicles 7:14

Mark Me


Humble ourselves

Truly WEEP!

Clothed in authentic humility

We will cry out!

Your Face, we shall seek.

And then the Lord will heal our land!

Blow the trumpet in Zion,

Sanctify a fast,

Call a solemn assembly:

Gather the people,

Sanctify the congregation,

Assemble the elders,

Gather the children,

And those that suck the breasts:

Let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber,

And the bride out of her closet

Joel 2:15-16

There will need to be fast!

A Great Call!

Gathering all God’s people.

Let them sanctify themselves.

With true humility

Let us now pray!!!




Mark Me

Sigh, Cry, and Weep!

For the sins of His people.

Lukewarm. Complacent.

Going through the motions.

Lacking prayer.

Cry and Weep!

For own homes



Embracing worldliness.

Distracted by the enemy’s tactics.

Cry and Weep!

For our lack of concern

For a lost and dying world.

Mark Me

Fear not:

For I am with thee:

I will bring thy seed from the east,

And gather thee from the west;

I will say to the north, Give up;

And to the south, Keep not back:

Bring my sons from far,

And my daughters from the ends of the earth;

Even every one that is called by my name:

For I have created him for my glory, I have formed him;

Yea, I have made him

Isaiah 43:5-7

Cry and Weep!

So that the Almighty

Will bring our children from afar!

And it shall come to pass afterward,

That I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;

And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,

Your old men shall dream dreams,

Your young men shall see visions:

Joel 2:28

The Lord God Almighty

Will pour out His Spirit!

Prophecies shall be spoken and come to pass!

Dreams and visions will be experienced.

Because we have

Called a solemn assembly!

Mark Me

Man Praying


I will

Sigh and Cry!

There will be much weeping

That Your people be spared.

With Your Help

I will humble myself!

Burn within

That I may know my sin

Then I will truly


I will Pray!

Seeking Your Face!

Agonizing for the sins

Of Your people!

Until we turn from our wicked ways!

Then, and only then

Will You forgive!

Our land will be blessed

As You Heal.


We Your People

Have gathered

A solemn fast.

My Lord and my God!

You will bring our sons and daughters!

Even the prodigals

From afar!

All For Your Glory!

A Holy Purpose!

Because we are Your People!

We shall sigh, weep, and cry!

Between the porch and the altar!

Mark Me

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