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Home » Reckless Pursuit 

Reckless Pursuit 

Now the LORD had said unto Abram,  

Get thee out of thy country,  

And from thy kindred,  

And from thy father’s house,  

Unto a land that I will shew thee:  

Genesis 12:1 


Reckless Pursuit 

And I will make of thee a great nation,  

And I will bless thee,  

And make thy name great;  

And thou shalt be a blessing:  

And I will bless them that bless thee,  

And curse him that curseth thee:  

And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed 

Genesis 12:2-3 


Reckless Pursuit 

And Jacob was left alone;  

And there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. 

And when he saw that he prevailed not against him,  

He touched the hollow of his thigh;  

And the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint,  

As he wrestled with him.  

And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh.  

And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.  

And he said unto him, What is thy name? 

And he said, Jacob. 

And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: 

For as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed 

Genesis 32:24-28 


Reckless Pursuit 

And Peter answered him and said,  

Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.  

And he said, Come.  

And when Peter was come down out of the ship,  

He walked on the water, to go to Jesus 

Matthew 14:28-29 

Are you willing? 

Is there a drive within? 

Can we relate to these men? 

Reckless Pursuit 

Every man mentioned today, 

Knew God. 

At least enough to recognize, 

His Voice, His Way. 

When God showed up😊 

They Connected! 

Human? Absolutely! 

Faults and failures. 

Shortcomings and weaknesses. 

Abraham was known to lie a time or two. 

We tend to put deceit and Jacob in the same sentence. 

Peter was impetus! With capital letters😊 

But there was something inside each of them. 

And IT got God’s Attention!!! 

Reckless Pursuit 

Where is your Relationship with God at? 

No. Really. 

Not what you think the answer should be. 


Because prayer and fasting 

Is all about Relationship. 

If you go Deep. Intimate. 

Prayer is going to Grow. 

More often. Longer time frames. 

Morning, noon, and night. 

Until we are praying without ceasing. 

A constant Connection. 

Able and willing to talk about anything and everything with Jesus. 

Hear what He has to say, and Receive. 

Be good even in The Silence. 

Fasting often starts when “someone tells us to”. 

Before long it will be a meal or two every week. 

To a day every week. 

Until a fasting spirit gets a hold of us. 

God will say, “Now”, and we will say, “Yes, Sir!” 

 Reckless Pursuit 

We can stay lukewarm and stink. 

Backslide until there is no Connection whatsoever. 



Get Red Hot! 

Stay Red Hot! 

Often it is a message we hear. 

A blog post we read. 

The conversation with someone we know is Connected. 

Then are we empowered, encouraged, and enlightened. 


Life goes on. 

We go on. 

Sadly. Instead of Pursuit becoming… 

Reckless Pursuit 

The ‘pan’ sits on the backburner so long… 

All the Heat has dissipated and the Steam leaves. 

Oh, my friend! 

There is nothing like Intimate Relationship! 

Keeping the Fire Burning! 

Adding the constant Fuel of Prayer and Fasting! 

How the Heart burns within! 

This is Reckless Pursuit

But it will cost us. 

Like Abraham… 

We may have to walk away from those we love. 

Leave the ‘land’ we know. 

For New Territory awaits😉 

Like Jacob… 

We will not handle everything well. 

Relationships may have ‘moments’. 

And our pursuit will baffle others. 

Like Peter… 

We will step out of the boat. 

When no one else will. 

Be impetus with our words and actions. 

As with all these men and many others down through the years… 

We must learn to embrace the gift of loneliness. 

Sleepless nights. 

 His Purpose of dreams and visions. 

And wonderings of how the wilderness became a way of life. 

Reckless Pursuit 

Oh, dear reader😊 

God will come for “Tea” 😊 

Conversations with the King are Precious! 

His Promises are yours! 

Great Blessings in abundance! 

A “Name” change by The Father! 

We will Walk different. 

Change the atmosphere everywhere we go. 

Proclaim His Gospel. 

Reckless Pursuit 

Only with the King of Kings! 

IT is Worth the Price! 

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