Prayer Launchout

Empowering Prayer & Spiritual Reflections

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Save the Baby

Broken Glass

Save the Baby

Many of us may have heard this saying:

“Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.”

In the last two posts,

We have been speaking to everyone about being…

A true mother of Israel.

Man, woman, and young person.

We are called to have a heart for all souls.

 To Love unconditionally!

Brothers and sisters in the Church.

The hot, cold, and even lukewarm.

Sinners who have never known God’s Glorious Truth.

Maybe heard but didn’t heed.

Yes! And the prodigals.

The prodigals in my life.

But also, those I have never met.

And certainly, the prodigals in your circle, too.

Save the Baby

Have you ever taken a toddler fresh from the mud puddle?

At arm’s length we carry them to the tub😉

Warm water, a scrubby, and nice soap😊


My baby is in the tub😊

Sometimes I would warm the towel in the drier😉

Take them from the water and wrap them up nice and tight.

The water goes down the drain.

The tub gets a wipe down.

Then I would snuggle my little one😊

Dry them well.

Clean clothes or cozy jammies.

Save the Baby

What is she doing dancing in the Spirit on a Sunday night?!

Yesterday I heard she was…you know…

Not living the best. “Tsk. Tsk.”

Look who showed up for church?!

How many times has he come back?

He didn’t stay before. He probably won’t stay this time.

Those sinners. They did drugs, alcohol, etc.

You name it they did it.

It will be years before they ‘get it together’.

Dear Readers,

You may be well correcting me by now.

Shawne, that is so rude!

You are not being nice!

I thought you were a godly influencer.

An encourager?

But WE the people of God…

We do this kind of thing frequently.

Sad. I know. But true.

Take note.

What are we focused on?

The “mud puddles”.

The “dirty bath water”.

 Or is our Focus, “the Baby” 😊

Save the Baby

Where do your thoughts go when you think of others?

No matter where they are on their Journey.

What is our body language telling them?

You smell? Fearful of them? Unsure?

How do we speak to them? Of them?

Who do we see them to be in the future?

Be the “you can make it” voice in their life!

Lord, help us to throw out the ‘dirty water’.

Save the Baby

I have a testimony.

God brought me out

Maybe you do too.

Some have the testimony.

God saved me from

We all have a beautiful testimony.

“We overcome by the word of our testimony.”

God will use every testimony in His Kingdom!

I am not asking us to “forget”.

But if Jesus says, “Not Guilty!”

“Go and sin no more!”

Then we need to learn to say,

“We are Not Guilty. Anymore.”

“They are Not Guilty. Anymore!”

By His grace and mercy.

My slate is clean. Yours is, too.

The Blood washes our slates clean.

Their slates are (or will be) clean, as well.

Save the Baby

My baby’s bath water looked yucky. Dirty.

But I smile😊

Beauty came out of that water.

The saint who stumbles.

A sinner that never knew Jesus.

Prodigals who come back to the Father.

There is BEAUTY!

Repentance makes the ‘dirty water’😉

Go down the ‘drain’.

The Lord says,

As far as the east is from the west!

THAT needs to be our perception!

Of myself, you, and definitely of others.

Save the Baby.

What do our eyes see?

The ‘dirty’ bath water ☹

Or the ‘clean’ baby 😊

What do you smell?

Yuck! Pinch my nose ☹

Mmm! Fresh, clean scent 😊

What do I perceive?

Clutter, dust, grime ☹

Pure, holy, abundant life 😊


This is a blog on prayer.

Yes. For the most part.

But let me ask us some questions.

How will we stand in the gap?

If we cannot see “bridges” repaired?

How will we pray positive declarations over their lives?

If all we ‘view’ is through a negative lens?

Lord, Examine each of us.

Are we throwing out Your babies”?

Help us, Lord.

May we see through Your Lens.

Let us speak words of Life, and not of death.

Give me the Mind of Christ.

That I would Think about others like You do.

Baptize us with fresh Love😊

I want to “throw out the water”, so to speak.

Yet… partner with You… and…

Save the Baby

3 responses to “Save the Baby”

  1. Alyssa Avatar

    Oh Jesus help me! Don’t let me throw out your precious babies. 🙏🏻

  2. Faith Avatar

    This is beautiful and so true

  3. Dolores Dill Avatar
    Dolores Dill

    This is such an awesome word!! Don’t let us be guilty of ever making someone feel
    There is no hope for them, or causing them to feel They are not worthy to approach a loving God! Thank you!!

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