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Home » Weight of Glory 

Weight of Glory 

For our light affliction,  

Which is but for a moment,  

Worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal  

II Corinthians 4:17 

The Glory of God is Weighty! 

Weight of Glory

Heavy. Deep. Strong. 

Carry the Weight. 

It is worth the load! 

Carry the Glory. 

For nations. Our nation. Your nation. 

Weight of Glory 

For the state or providence, we are in. 

Your city. Our leaders. 

Each home and family. 

Church brothers and sisters. 

Lost souls who have never known… 

Weight of Glory 

Prodigals who lost their way in… 

It is good when you know others… 

Carry the Weight. 

But some days we must be willing to… 

Carry the Weight of the Glory of God… 

Even if it seems you are alone☹ 

It is in the loneliness. 

There the Glory of God is the Most Weighty! 

It is worth the price! 

Tarry in His Presence. 

Until you are endued with power from on High! 

To carry The Glory of God. 

Weight of Glory 

Scripture lets us know… 

For our light affliction,  

Which is but for a moment, 

Whatever we must go through. 

Sadness, sickness, ridicule… 

What is your affliction? 

It ain’t nothing, my friends😉 

Compared to the 

Weight of Glory 

By-pass sleep. 

Leave the table. 

Pray alone. 

But with Joy! 

Carry the Glory of God😊 

Lose your reputation. 

Be misunderstood. 

Remain in silence when the arrows fly. 

Weight of Glory 

Endure hardness as a good soldier. 

Train arduously, that we may carry on. 

Set your face like a flint in the wind. 

Brace against the stormy waves. 

Do not cower under pressure. 

Let not depression sidetrack your mission. 

Navigate the ice chunks. 

Put on the cleats and climb the frigid mountain. 

Where there is no vision, 

The people perish: 

Proverbs 29:18a 

Do we have a vision of the Glory of God? 

Can we grasp the Weight of Glory

If we are complacent? Weary? 

Meandering through life? 

Eat, work, sleep, play… 

What is all that? 

YOU carry THE Glory of God!!! 

IF the Holy Ghost lives within you. 

We are commissioned to make disciples. 

Share The Glory of God. 

GOD of the Universe lives in YOU! 

Yes! The opening Scripture speaks. 

Worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal  

Weight of glory;  

That Eternal is not simply a ride to Glory (Heaven). 

That is Here. Now. 

Every word, actions, motive…Whoa! 

Yes. Carry The Glory of God. 

Make a Deposit. 

Each environment, situation, and relationship. 

Leave your Deposit of The Glory of God. 

The Right Deposit will remain. And… 

You will find an increase of the Weight of Glory… 

Within yourself😊 

Weight of Glory 

As we go into the New Year… 

Let us not make resolutions for our self. 

A clear call to upgrade. 

Our prayer time. 

The meals we will fast. 

Willing to submit to God. 


To carry The Glory of God. 

Build spiritual muscles. 

Train for the long haul. 

Until all the world experiences… 

Weight of Glory 

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