Prayer Launchout

Empowering Prayer & Spiritual Reflections

person holding book page with string lights

The Journey Begins Here

Launch Out Into the Deep

Allow Prayer to Change Your Life

Prayer holds significant importance in our spiritual journey as it fosters a closer and more intimate relationship with God. Our Provider, Healer, and Nurturer. Through prayer, we can express gratitude for God’s provision, seek healing in times of physical or emotional distress, and experience the nurturing love of our Creator.

When we pray, we acknowledge God’s role as our ultimate Provider, recognizing His sovereignty over our lives. This act of gratitude and dependence deepens our connection with Him, fostering a sense of trust and reliance on His guidance and provision.

Welcome to Shawne’s Prayer Corner, a sacred space where the heartfelt whispers of one woman, echo the universal language of faith, hope, and connection. Join Shawne on a spiritual journey through the written word as she shares her prayers, reflections, and moments of grace. In this intimate corner of the blogosphere, discover the power of prayer woven into the tapestry of one women’s life, inviting you to connect, reflect, and find solace in the shared journey of faith. Welcome to a space where words willingly become a beacon of inspiration and encouragement for all who seek a moment of divine connection.

Shawne Headshot

Shawne Burnham

Writer & Founder


  • Weight of Glory 

    Weight of Glory 

    For our light affliction,   Which is but for a moment,   Worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal   II Corinthians 4:17  The Glory of God is Weighty!  Weight of Glory Heavy. Deep. Strong.  Carry the Weight.  It is worth the load!  Carry the Glory.  For nations. Our nation. Your nation.  Weight of Glory  For…

  • Reckless Pursuit 

    Reckless Pursuit 

    Now the LORD had said unto Abram,   Get thee out of thy country,   And from thy kindred,   And from thy father’s house,   Unto a land that I will shew thee:   Genesis 12:1  Abraham’s  Reckless Pursuit  And I will make of thee a great nation,   And I will bless thee,   And make thy name great;   And…

  • Abide


    Abide in me,   And I in you  John 15:4  ABIDE  Private  Intimate  Deep  Please understand  I do not write today  Having this ‘way of living’  Perfected😊  Instead  I speak to us   Out of my heart’s sincere desire!  ABIDE  Strong’s: to stay  (In a given place, state, relation or expectancy)  Webster’s: to stand fast; remain; go…

  • For The Love: YOU!

    For The Love: YOU!

    To the praise Of His glorious grace and favor, Which He so freely bestowed On us in the Beloved Ephesians 1:6 AMP YOU are His Beloved I (We) will praise thee; Marvellous are thy works; For I am (WE are) fearfully and wonderfully made: And that my (our) soul knoweth right well Psalm 139:14 YOU…

  • Thankful for Trouble

    Thankful for Trouble

    In meditation over this seemingly ridiculous idea My Friend began to speak to me on… Tempered or pressure-treated glass. Glass is first examined for imperfections. ‘His’ glass is cut to size and shape. Abrasive sandpaper removes all the sharp edges. Now the Glass is washed. An oven heated to 1112 degrees Fahrenheit. That Glass is put in…

  • Our Prospector

    Our Prospector

    Our Prospector Sees Precious Gold Within each of us He is Ever-Working. Digging for that Precious Gold. Behold, I go forward, But he is not there; And backward, But I cannot perceive him: On the left hand, where he doth work, But I cannot behold him: He hideth himself on the right hand, That I…